My Mission is Economic Development:
Small Business Growth, Quality Jobs, &
Safe Neighborhoods
Who I Am
I was born just a little ways up I-44 in Lebanon, Missouri. This is where I grew up and graduated from high school. It's where I had my first job, working as a cashier in my parents United Super grocery store. It's also where I met Joe [Howard] the love of my life and husband of 46 years. After we were married, I moved to Norfolk, Virginia to be with him while he was serving in the Navy.
In 1973, direct US Military involvement ended in Vietnam, Joe was discharged, and we decided to move to Springfield. I worked as a secretary for a commercial construction company, an assistant in a architectural firm, catering and special events manager for a large hotel and as a project assistant for a national hotel developer. In 1976, we started our transportation business, but it wasn't until the eighties that we were established enough for me to work there full time. I was raised with a strong work ethic and a belief that if you have integrity in business, your customers will keep coming back. That attitude helped us build a small business and become a part of the community.
A little later in life, we were blessed with two children. Hillary lives and works in Washington, DC. Barrett owns real estate and also works in our business.
My family and business have been the direct beneficiaries of the strong quality of life here, and I am so grateful for it. Our choice to live here has never been regretted and we are proud to call Springfield our home.

Encourage Building and Redevelopment
I pledge to help build a positive culture of success within City Council that encourages builders and developers to create new jobs through projects. These jobs will help create a stronger tax base that will support fire and police services and public works.
A focused, success fueled environment in our City Hall will encourage expansion. I want outsiders to look at Springfield as a great place to locate, because we have a positive attitude and a focus on success.
Back Small Business
I want to continue to be a part of a culture of supportive civic conduct that is aligned with business success.
Almost 2/3's of new job creation comes from small business.
Let's use common-sense business acumen to help form consensus and creative solutions. And remember to
Buy Local! I do every chance I get.
Support Neighborhood Safety
The safety of our neighborhoods is one of the most important elements of our city.
City Council has a big role in supporting law enforcement and fire safety. Our firefighters and police officers need to be supported with the best of training and equipment that we can afford. They need to be championed and respected as the selfless community servants that they are. They stand between our families and disaster every day and they deserve our support.
My Vision For
Our City
Why I'm Asking For Your Vote
Being on City Council to me is all about serving this community. I'm willing to continue to invest the time and focus I know this job takes. I'm committed to representing all of the citizens of Springfield while on Council. As taxpayers who underwrite the business of the City, you deserve the very best stewardship possible. You deserve a city government that listens and treats you with respect.
Let's focus on the real issues which impact your quality of life. And let's make sure that our city government is transparent and is fiscally responsible.
I appreciate all the support from my friends and family who have encouraged me to run again, it means the world to me.
I looking forward to having the continued pleasure of serving on Council. I respectfully ask for your vote.

Paid for by Friends for Jan Fisk,
Bryan D. Fisher, Treasurer
PO Box 10405
Springfield, Missouri 65808